Address : 591/691 (Pls google 591 Race St) Race St, San Jose, CA 95126
Phone : 408-598-5274(text and call)
Email :
Soft Openning Business Hours :
Non-prime Time: Monday – Firday 11am-2pm,pls. call Judy at 408-726-4305 for booking appointment to come. Open only by paid appointments for min. 10 players or 2 hours court bookings (including members and drop in card players)
Prime Time: Weekend&Holidays 9am-9pm Monday – Friday 4-11pm
Other Hours: (Extra Fees)
Our Onsite Parking: Thank you for visiting CAN-AM Elite Badminton Club! We offer parking at our front and side doors, as well as authorized parking from our partner companies at 1401 Parkmoor Ave. and 581 Race St. during weekends and evenings, totaling around 128 spaces. For your convenience, we have opened a back door leading directly to 1401 Parkmoor Ave.Please see the attached photos for our location and club parking layout.
For more details, pls see How to come to us